
I’ve been writing for a while. A long while. Writing was a solitary activity for a long time— short stories and very rough books beginning in middle school and continuing on and off ever since. Which kind of begs the question, why start a website (or blog) now?

I Want to Share My Writing Journey

I know I’m not the only writer who has only taken baby steps towards a dream of publishing. I’ve met lots of writers like me at conferences and in online co-working groups. All of us are in various stages of our writing career, from never-before-published, having a few credits, or having a book out in print! We’ve all dealt with starts and stops, with imposter syndrome, and with finding the time to devote to our craft. 

No person has the same writing journey as another, but I know that I take comfort and inspiration from other writers who share their writing experiences, and I hope you will too.

Writing Deserves to be Taken Seriously

One of the hardest aspects of writing, especially creative writing, is validation. We want to be published and earn a little money. Perhaps most importantly, we want someone else to see our efforts and tell us that writing is a worthy use of our time. 

Well, I’m kind of sick of this game. The time that I spend writing is no better or worse than the time that other people devote to their hobbies or side hustles. I think that my writing is worth it, and one way to remind myself of this is by starting a blog and putting together a website.

Becoming Active in the Writing Community at Large

This would be a horrible blog if it were only centered on me. I want to talk about other writers and the amazing work that they are putting out into the world, too! I’ll be adding book reviews here, as well as highlighting writers’ conferences and groups that I’ve found helpful. Hopefully, I’ll compile some worthwhile resources here. 

Learn and Share

I hope to share posts and articles from others in the writing community who have inspired me— those writers who I respect and admire. Sound off in the comments and let me know your thoughts, too. I value conversations and see them as an opportunity to grow. (Trolls are another matter, and won’t be tolerated here.)

If you’ve read this far, I thank you. Hopefully, you’ll continue to read my posts and engage with me here. 

Published by Rebecca

I’m a writer and actor, and I love to use my creative abilities to help others tell their stories. I love getting lost in novels, spending time with my family, and nail polish.

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